Halloween is one of the busiest and most exciting times of the year- decorations, costumes, candy, ghosts and ghouls and awesome movies on TV. You already have plenty to worry about with making sure that you don’t let any vampires in or have a ghost follow you home, so here are some tips to make sure that this spooky season doesn’t turn into an insurance nightmare!
Things That Go Bump in the Night
Nobody wants even MORE invisible things to worry about on Halloween night, so make sure to check your property and decorations a few nights before so that you know any extension cords or decorations are secured and out of the path of trick or treaters. This is an awesome excuse to put up even more lights and glowing inflatable beasts to not only terrify and delight, but also to provide enough light.
Around and About, Within and Without
These tripping hazards are not just for wandering goblins who stop at your door, but also for any creatures of the night that you invite inside. Hosting Haunted Houses and throwing Halloween parties are a beloved tradition, but they can also be risky. If you are charging for admission or hosting an event for work, check with your agent to make sure that you are covered with the right policies. Make sure that guests aren’t fumbling about and tripping over inside of your home. Be sure to secure any valuables and fragile items. Try to avoid promoting it publicly so that you know who all is in your home. Hanging some extra garlic isn’t a bad idea either!
Moonlit Night and Candle Light
Don’t leave candles or any kind of open flame unattended, no matter the size. You will have all manner of creatures roaming around on Halloween, not all of them can be trusted (especially with fire). Battery-operated candles are a great alternative, or you can go for the plug-in lawn torches. On that note, make sure to fasten the cords that power these decorations and make sure that they aren’t at risk of overheating. Do not staple or nail through any wires – electrocution is only good for Frankenstein’s monster, not for you.
Beware of Guard-Werewolf!
This is an exciting night for everyone- our furry friends included. Make sure to check your doggie doors and to keep your pets calm and at a safe distance from trick or treaters or guests.
We all love our pets, but being around a lot of activity and having strangers in their territory can really worry them, and so for their sake as well as yours, maybe treat them to a comfy doggie bed in front of Frankenweenie- at least until the festivities have died down. Remember, werewolves are calm every night of the month until one, and that’s when things can get…well…hairy.
Treat…or Trick?
There’s a reason why Halloween is also called Hell Night – pranksters and tricksters run wild. Egging and toilet papering can be innocent, but some people can go too far, so confirm, that your security systems are functioning properly, that your garage is locked, yard is secure (locked if fenced), and well lit to discourage mischief. Make sure that your policy covers vandalism, and if you have invested in more expensive decorations, theft as well.